Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mega Booty On Cartoon

Anyone who wants to look at the track in the film, it can do here .

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Official Translation Driver License France

Here you can read the official opinion of the organizer to the RC-Middle Rhine-Marathon 2009th

Monday, June 8, 2009

Super Trophy For Sale

sponsors fee 2009

The sponsorship fee for 2009 amounts to at least

€ 3.18 uro .

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can I Get Waiver For Eczema In The Army

20095th Rhine River Marathonund gleichzeitig5. Sponsored Run for Zwergnase

2009 was initially to be dashed.

Due to a back problem I had to prepare for the 5th Rhine River Marathon, held on the 06.06.09 set in April and there was no chance this year to continue the action for Zwergnase .

But salvation was approaching and my friend and skating partner Wolfgang (also registered participant) told me that he is running for my action as a substitute for me.

This also found the potential sponsors and well received so far I 81 confirmations for the sponsorship.

day of the marathon (6 June 2009) there was again a bad situation. This year the weather was not with (2005 - 2008 we have always had great weather) and so had to Wolfgang sheep cold and wet track the route from Oberwesel to Koblenz (42,195 km) to meet its 8 wheels.
here just before the start:

The situation at the start at 17:15 clock shows the graphics, which I investigate in could. The red circle shows the situation in the starting area:

The professionals of course went with "rain tires", but again they could not even reach the goal and provide the one-hour limit.

wet, exhausted, but without falling Wolfgang Koblenz reached in a very - for the weather conditions - from the time acceptable

1:54,42 hours

and became

578 in the Appreciation and

230 40th in the age group

I congratulate Wolfgang and thank you in advance for the result and in particular to the availability, which made it possible for the action "in-line charity run for Dwarf Nose" in 2009, in the truest sense of the word- not fell into the water.

Periods Stopped White Discharge

Hi, since today I

belong also to the "bloggers" and I want my initiative for the Friends of Zwerg Nase eV Wiesbaden get close to anyone interested.

I will give a brief overview of the history, then describe the year 2009 and go immediately into the preparation 2010th For all potential sponsors of this blog is intended to serve as an information platform.

Since 2005, the 1st Middle Rhine-marathon run, I the Rhine River Marathon inline marathon running as sponsors for dwarf nose
Each prospective sponsor will pay me at least a cent per second that I remain in the results under two hours.
after collection, the proceeds will be paid directly to the association Zwerg Nase eV Wiesbaden and this is then immediately available.

This has led from 2005 to 2008 the following results:

  • 2005: 1:38,05 hours - 1.000 € uro for dwarf Nose
  • 2006: 1:29,09 hours - 1.900 € uro for Zwergnase
  • 2007: 1:30,34 hours - 1.900 € uro for Zwergnase
  • 2008: 1:32,43 hours - 2,500 € uro for Zwergnase