skin The skin is the largest organ of the people and has many tasks to perform. It provides protection against environmental influences and includes the sense of touch, pain, heat and cold sensation. The skin can even express emotions. Through their direct contact with the outside world, the skin is exposed to many harmful effects. Skin diseases are on the rise. They are often not only unpleasant and often do not look very nice, they can also have far-reaching consequences on body and mind.
Why do we have skin? The skin is a waterproof, elastic sleeve, which separates the body from the environment and keeps dangerous pathogens. It is very complex, although at no point the body is thicker than 6 mm, and perform touch, heat, cold and pain, so we remember what is going on around us. It also protects against the harmful UV rays of the sun and contribute to the formation of vitamin D due to light and for the regulation of body temperature.
of how many layers of the skin?
The skin surface is the largest organ of the human body and has two major layers: the epidermis (epidermis) and below the thicker dermis (dermis). In the leather skin are nerves, sense organs, blood vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. A layer of fat under the dermis contributes to the thermal insulation and serves to store energy. of how many layers of the skin?
arises where new skin?
The skin is in constant renewal. New skin forms on the underside of the skin, where skin cells continually divide. The newly formed cells push the older to the top surface. By the time they arrived there are pass, three to four weeks, then the cells are dead and flattened. The dead cells are shed from the surface and constantly replaced by new skin cells that grow from below, from the so-called seed layer. Why is skin so tough?
An elastic substance called keratin makes the skin hard and impermeable cells, making them a good layer of protection against pathogens form. The new skin cells are filled on their way to the surface more and more with keratin. Elastic the skin is elastic protein fibers in the dermis. It is particularly resistant to hands and feet. What is the purpose
the sebaceous glands in the skin?
The sebum, the sebaceous glands produce in the skin, covered skin and hair and keeps it supple. Also kill it contains substances that pathogens.
If the skin is really waterproof?
Yes, this makes the sebum on the skin surface. However, if you stay too long in the bath, this waterproof layer is washed away. Then water seeps in the epidermis, so that it forms wrinkles. After drying, raises the normal state again.
Why does the skin to be waterproof? The skin is waterproof, so that the underlying tissue is protected and thus not escape the fluids from the body.
provides, as the skin for cooling?
If one is hot, you sweat more, and the evaporating sweat provides cooling. At the same time the small blood vessels expand in the dermis, so more warm blood reaches the surface and can release heat into the air.
keeps us warm, as the skin?
If you freeze to narrow the Blood vessels in the dermis, so that less heat reaches the body surface. Also depend on the whole body to fine hair, so that a warm layer of air held on the body.
What is melanin?
Melanin is a dark brown dye (pigment) in the skin. It is formed by the Melanocvten, special pigment cells at the base of the epidermis. Melanin protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Why do the people of different skin colors?
The skin color depends on how much melanin, the epidermis contains. People of color have more melanin. For whites, it is less Quantity available, and small blood vessels under the skin surface are giving it their pink color. People with yellow skin have carotene, another pigment in larger amounts. What is sweat? sweat contains water, salts and small amounts of waste substances from the body. On a very hot day, the body can excrete up to ten liters of sweat, then it is about 30 grams of dissolved salt. By drinking the water loss is compensated. sweat is produced in glands in the dermis and through tiny openings, the pores to the outside. Particularly large number of sweat glands are among the poor, in the groin and on the palms, soles and face.
Why does a bruise the color?
A bruise is first bluish, then it is blue green and yellow, and finally disappear. The color change occurs because the blood is broken down and eliminated from the tissue. The blood pigment hemoglobin is initially in oxygen and therefore bluish. In the course of several days or weeks it is decomposed in green and yellow dyes and finally completely absorbed by the body or absorbed. As the skin heals ? skin wounds heal by itself if it has been cut and bleeding, for example, formed soon after a wound closure, which prevents further blood loss. It dries to a crust and prevents pathogens in can penetrate the wound. Under the crust up in the meantime, new skin cells around the wound. If the wound is healed, the scab falls off eventually.
gets Why skin wrinkles? you get older, the skin is positioned less tightly to the body. In young people it is elastic and, after a stretch back to its original shape. From about the age of thirty, the skin becomes drier, thinner and less elastic. In old age wrinkles and wrinkles.
How thick is the skin? The thickness of the skin depends on how elastic they must be against whatever pressures they must protect. On the eyelids, the skin is only 0.5 millimeters thick and in most other parts of the body is two millimeters, on the palms and the soles of three to six millimeters. What is goose bumps? The so-called goose bumps is a reaction of the body to cold. If it is cold, be directed at the body hair to hold a warm air layer on the skin. The tiny muscles that are responsible for pulling together, and there are small skin elevations, the goose bumps.
As the skin tan?
produced at high solar irradiation, the more melanin to protect skin against harmful ultraviolet radiation. The melanin is distributed in the form of tiny black granules in the epidermis. This makes the skin darker, and sun tanning results. In the sun, people of all colors darker.
produced at high solar irradiation, the more melanin to protect skin against harmful ultraviolet radiation. The melanin is distributed in the form of tiny black granules in the epidermis. This makes the skin darker, and sun tanning results. In the sun, people of all colors darker.
How much skin does a human being?
Could you spread the skin of an eight-year-old child, they would cover an area of 1.5 square meters and weigh about three kilograms. In adults, there are an average of two square meters and about four kilograms.
Why do we have fingernails?
The fingernails are a firm support for the skin, if we hold or touch something. They also provide special activities such as the loosening knots. The fingernails match the paws and claws of mammals, birds and reptiles.
What are its nails?
nails are made of dead cells that contain keratin, the same protein that is also found in the epidermis. The nails formed in the nail bed, which lies horizontally under the skin. The growing nail slides over the nail to the fingertip. He looks mostly pink because the blood vessels underneath shine through. Nail changes may be caused by nail disorders, but also point to pathological processes in the organism.
Grow fast the nails?
nails grow about 0.1 millimeter a day, or about three millimeters per month. Fingernails grow generally faster than toenails. Since they are made from dead material and do not contain nerve endings, they can be cut painlessly.
How are Pimples?
Many young people get pimples on the skin, which is on the increase in oil production. The sebum that keeps the skin elastic, is produced during puberty in larger amounts. Sometimes he plugs the glands, which then often become infected, and it caused pimples.
Are there people with identical fingerprints?
No. The fingerprints are different even in identical twins. They emerge through tiny ridges on the fingertips and also change after an injury.
What is an albino?
An albino is a person whose skin has no melanin. Therefore, the hair is white, the skin is light or pink, and the eyes are red. Albinos are very sensitive to light, because the skin is not without melanin may protect against the sun.
What happens at the blush?
blush is a nervous reaction that leads to the enlargement of the tiny skin blood vessels. As a result more blood flows through the skin, and it turns red.
What are freckles?
Freckles are small skin patches that contain much more melanin. They are found mostly on face and arms and are not dangerous.
Dry Skin: Causes
(as of 14 August 2009)
Dry skin
arises from a variety of reasons. Both the personal disposition and the aging process play a role. The cause of dry skin is too little fat of the sebaceous glands in the skin and a disturbed moisture regulation. Also a failure and malnutrition or alcohol consumption
can lead to dry skin.
strain also external factors such as strong sunlight and dry air from heating the skin and dry it out. Often, too often excessive showering or bathing is behind it. Who
drugs like
the pill takes
can also get dry skin.
increases with age, the probability of getting dry skin. Three mechanisms favoring this:
takes the sebum naturally from old age.
The upper skin (epidermis) can contain as much moisture. The sweat glands are less
Too frequent washing, improper skin care or hygiene contribute to the age at particularly dry skin. Body parts that are supplied with blood and poor have little sebaceous glands are particularly susceptible to dry skin. For example, the lower leg.
in the straight
the winter months
many people have a dry skin. The cold air outside and the low Luffeuchtigkeit in combination with hot air heating set to the skin.
These factors can affect the skin is dry:
Genetic predisposition
heating air
air conditioning
air temperature
soaps and shower gels
washing lotions
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