Friday, January 1, 2010

Causes Of Liver Polyps


Coca - Cola boycott campaign


New health risk study for Coca-Cola and Pepsi Group:

New York ( - According to the American Cancer Society, the number of those with pancreatic cancer - one of the deadliest forms of cancer - living longer than five years, only five percent. New investigations of a health study in Singapore have shown that regular consumers of soft drinks compared with drinkers of fruit juice increased by 87 percent Chance of getting the cancer. This study is based on the observation of 60,000 people over 14 years.
Some experts have meant in the assessment of this study that the number of observations may have been too low to the research result to be regarded as mandatory. If, however, subsequent studies support the result, then there could be the manufacturers of soft drinks, especially Coca-Cola and Pepsi are facing a problem. Coca-Cola and Pepsi have already struggling with the perception that lead some of their drinks, the increase of obesity, which has a whole list of health problems.

The Coca-Cola Company earns its profits to environmental destruction and human rights violations. Their products are also sold in the canteens and vending machines at the University of Trier. Because the production of drinks of the well-known and popular brand natural and human damage, we call for a boycott of these products until the Coca-Cola Company finished their irresponsible business practices.
The following is a documentation of the charges faced by the multinational exposed.

India: No water for the poor, Coca-Cola for the rich

In India, civil society protested for years against Coke Cola. There was a lowering of the ground water level, which is mainly due to the huge water consumption of Coca-Cola operations. To produce a liter of cola it takes about 9 times the amount of fresh drinking water. Bottlers extract the ground water without paying for it. In Jaipur and Mehdiganj the water table has dropped since 1999 60 meters. Lack of water reduces crop yields and thus leads to food shortages, hunger and health problems. So broke Plachimada in the region where now 260 wells have dried, the rice cultivation almost completely together. Delivered these practices are in particular the people who can not afford alternatives. In addition, Indian bottlers production waste, the high amounts of cadmium and lead containing initially improperly stored and then sold to local farmers as fertilizer have, so that the soil and groundwater were contaminated and decreased crop yields. And pesticide contamination of Coca-Cola products in India is up to 30 times higher than that applicable in the EU maximum.

Colombia: 8 killed trade unionists and zero responsibility

For over 10 years battling the local union SINALTRAINAL including Carepa for better working conditions of employees of "Bebidas y Alimentos, a bottling company that produces exclusively for Coca-Cola. Since 1994, only 8 members of the union were murdered. should be shot on 12.05.1996 such as paramilitaries Isidro Segundo Gil the union representative, on the very day that negotiations with management led to better working conditions. Following this, the paramilitaries called together all employees of the company and threatened anyone who would not leave the union, would be done the same. SINALTRAINAL it was actually broken in Carepa, tenant was Coca-Cola. Since then, there is no free trade union in Carepa is more, the Durschnittslohn of $ 600 per month has fallen to the statutory minimum wage of about $ 150. An independent investigation into the incidents has been blocked by Coca-Cola over again. [1]
All this is a breach of norms of international law: Under Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (UN ICCPR) and Article 7 and 8 the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) everyone has the right to and favorable working conditions and remuneration, and to join trade unions.
informed about the events in Colombia on 05/16/2008 by Carlos Olaya SINALTRAINAL in a lecture organized by the Ökoreferat, held in the Multicultural Center. He also reported of ongoing death threats against union members.

Verde: Interview with the trade unionists Carlos Olaya

Maybe you will was assassinated

Colombian trade unionists Carlos Olaya four weeks as the Enlightenment in Germany and the Switzerland go.
Interview: Burkhard Baltzer
Carlos Olaya fights bullying as a member of the Colombian union Sinaltrainal on terror, with the multinational corporations have their employees. In addition to his description has of the world's growing call to boycott products such as Coca-Cola, Colombian flowers or bananas downright dangerous. On operations in his country of scientists studied Olaya speaks with no visible outrage: patient and kind he explains to his audience the relationship between economic development, foreign and domestic policy - and its impact on the working population. Olayas increased objectivity the enormity of the cases cited by him: the murder of Isidro Segundo Gil union leader by paramilitary forces in the Coca-Cola in Carepa 1996 or the eight times the murder of trade unionists in the group over the next six years. Nine out of 4,000 murders of trade unionists in the past decade. Or, as the paramilitaries in the union office Capera burned. We met Olaya as part of its reconnaissance trip to southern Germany, where he was from several organizations were invited including Verdi was. ver.di REPUBLIC thanked Nora Brown thanks for the competent translation of the conversation.
ver.di REPUBLIC OF while you talk about working conditions at Cola Company?
Carlos Olaya about 40 multinational companies had divided the world and its markets between them. Who rules your native Colombia: Coca-Cola, Chiquita, Dole and Nestle, paramilitary organizations or the government?
your protest and could install an international network of surveillance, which manufactures in our human rights
Carlos Olaya World Bank, and the politicians who are often very corrupt.
ver.di REPUBLIC can engage the state in economic regulation, which - not also be effective - but offered some protection.
ver.di REPUBLIC But the worse and worse. Since 1990 such workers receive no fixed contracts more. There are even collective agreements, but allows a new law enabling businesses, to dismiss the workers without compensation. Mainly there are now temporary contracts and those with so-called cooperatives. The group disappears behind a system of subcontractors similar cooperatives. They will get ever smaller amounts, so that the average wage fell from 600 to once now, 120 dollars (about 95 €). Through this system we have today 18 million destitute people, of which six million people are threatened with starvation. And only the employees of companies to join a union, workers the Cooperative not: They are responsible for themselves - as employers and workers, they say. Also possibilities to retire, were abolished. The pension system is fully privatized. The state has to bear in debt to the private insurers, and to allow the debt to be continuously increased taxes.
ver.di REPUBLIC have to go into exile. Without trade unions leaders are weak unions. In addition, they are removed from power. The policy has transformed the labor movement in a patronage. Councils do not exist, what would your say, the companies would be an attack against free enterprise. ver.di REPUBLIC Carlos Olaya back control, we again have 600 000 members. International organizations get involved. We are committed unionists now no longer only for the rights of the workers, but for the human rights of the population: This is a new strategy. ver.di REPUBLIC
Carlos Olaya Workers use? Or divided government, enterprises, drug lords and landlords, the suppression of the population?


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