Monday, December 20, 2010

Bond Interest Expense

Lecture: AMORC Rosicrucian


"The philosophy of the Rosicrucians"

AMORC - Rosicrucians is a mystical and philosophical order, which operates non-denominational. According to the teachings of the Rosicrucians, man is a dual nature: an outer body and an inner spiritual. The teachings of AMORC is a guide to get to know this inner being. For the Rosicrucians believe that there is in all creation, an intrinsic connection, which includes both the universe and every individual. recognize this relationship, this "cosmic law" and to live it is their goal .

On paper I am particularly personally.

Speaker: Birgit Uhrhan
When: 14:01:11 clock 19:00
WHERE: Boulanger, Outbuildings
Collegium Gasse 2 , 72070 Tübingen
Admission free, donations appreciated very generous.


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