Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where Can I Design A Dress Online

III - The evidence: 5 Top 10 in one go

As you may remember, I have on 8 and 11 September, these ominous Top 10 Google Rankings emails reported. Well, I did not resist the temptation and added myself to the masterpiece.

And what shall I tell you? The thing works. Take a look at the evidence.


Here are the proofs of the top 10 Google rankings

First keyword "by nlp non smoking. At least 22 700 competitors, I took the places 1, 4, 6, 8, and 9


Next keyword "non smoking how it works." 59 500 competitors. I took the places 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 15


Another keyword "non smoking coach" # 1 in 69 100 competitors.

So one thing is clear to me proved: Top 10 Google Rankings works. Provided you stick strictly to the instructions. But that's no problem. I have invested for the placement shown about 1 hour of work.

My recommendation to all who want to improve their Google ranking: BUY!

Top 10 Google Rankings

Technorati tags: , earn money, get rich


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