THE GOOD NIGHT TOP 10 " beneficial factor for a successful night's sleep, the following factors: first
Sleep routine build Thursday, December 24, 2009
Average 32 Year Old Male Bmi
The most important factor for adequate sleep is a good routine. Get used to it, if so authorized by the modern rush to go to bed every day at a certain time. The Earth has its rhythm and who are we that we ignore this fact?
second Sleep rituals maintain
Who does not like to return to the bedtime stories of their parents or grandparents? Then as now, are a real bedtime Motivation to go to sleep. A good story should not be too exciting and to be read as personal. An alternative is for stories on CD or cassette. Come out of fashion is the lullaby. Many people do not dare to sing, something their fellow man, but a lullaby can be an effective part of the evening routine. Other examples of sleeping rituals are common
Who does not like to return to the bedtime stories of their parents or grandparents? Then as now, are a real bedtime Motivation to go to sleep. A good story should not be too exciting and to be read as personal. An alternative is for stories on CD or cassette. Come out of fashion is the lullaby. Many people do not dare to sing, something their fellow man, but a lullaby can be an effective part of the evening routine. Other examples of sleeping rituals are common
praying, listening to soothing music or fancy trips. In the evening walk let the day's events, conscious breath and clean teeth afterwards. A proven Ritul that I can only recommend. third Loving, protected atmosphere create
studies have shown that people in happy relationships schlafen.Die better atmosphere in the family, the WG and as a single Is it more positive and open. Dispute before going to bed is an absolute sleep-killer. Just before bedtime should therefore no critical issues are discussed more or consumed.
studies have shown that people in happy relationships schlafen.Die better atmosphere in the family, the WG and as a single Is it more positive and open. Dispute before going to bed is an absolute sleep-killer. Just before bedtime should therefore no critical issues are discussed more or consumed.
4th Lots of exercise a day exercise is tired, exercise makes very tired. A rule of thumb, the expert Dr. Kroschke reads: "daytime movement, shut down early in the morning and just before bedtime relaxation." Regular exercise should ohnenhin be an integral part of life. 5th No television or computer games before bed
Permanent irrigation by the modern media is the cause of many sleep disorders. Just in time before going to bed, many people sit in front of computer games or chatting and surfing the Internet - activities that stimulate the brain and cause irritation to calm place. A Finnish study
Permanent irrigation by the modern media is the cause of many sleep disorders. Just in time before going to bed, many people sit in front of computer games or chatting and surfing the Internet - activities that stimulate the brain and cause irritation to calm place. A Finnish study
pointed also to a relationship between high television consumption and massive sleep. Also the phone should be turned off at night, because nothing is more important than that it could not wait until morning. In principle, All electronic devices are separated even from the outlet, since they also cause electro-off. 6th Fears seriously "But there are monsters in the closet!" "Nonsense, you will not only fall asleep!" Children have different fears than adolescents and adults. Our real "problem-Monster" let's not often come to rest when we lie in bed long ago. But now we can really change anything?
The past is over and done, unchangeable;
forge the future we can, but we see early in the morning much clearer The past is over and done, unchangeable;
to find the solutions again, and more to come. This should be the last thought of the day. 7th Not have a full stomach to bed
Neither hunger nor a full on belly promote sleep. Therefore, again, a corresponding regularity is necessary.
Neither hunger nor a full on belly promote sleep. Therefore, again, a corresponding regularity is necessary.
8th Evening, no light or noise stimulate a sense of the people is excessive, not to think of sleep. A bright room light or incident light from outside can also prevent sleep, like loud music or loud conversations in the next room. Unfortunately the highway noise and other environmental noise pollution is one of many places to live it, and is too often the explanation for insufficient sleep. 9th Do not consume stimulants
Who Red Bull as a limo for the evening enjoy reading verstzt, the entire cycle subconsciously on alert. This leads to a state of anxiety, one feels not superficial. More should
"Upper" are cola, energy drinks, guarana (chocolate), cocaine, Chrystal Speed, MDMA, meth, pep, Extacy, etc. The latter can consume nM NIE Who Red Bull as a limo for the evening enjoy reading verstzt, the entire cycle subconsciously on alert. This leads to a state of anxiety, one feels not superficial. More should
and in times of real stress on natural performance enhancement, as Guarana hold.
one end only, and above all the will to sleep, to reason and the courage to self. You act negligently with your health you are at some point, only the homogeneous mass of diarrhea in the gut of the entire social system rather than the times to be something that needs to be well digested.
This route is currently possibly unpleasant, crumbling in the affluent world, but is a long-term benefit for humans and the environment.
This route is currently possibly unpleasant, crumbling in the affluent world, but is a long-term benefit for humans and the environment.
A healthy mind in healthy body.
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