Monday, January 17, 2011

Crank Up Pontoon Trailerpulley System

talk: Rolf Keppler, the hollow world


is hollow Earth?

cave-world-free-energy Orgontechnologie
Rolf Keppler says yes!
The earth is not Solid ball, but a hollow ball Earth.
According to the experiments described in the lecture we live on the inside of the hollow sphere earth. Sun, moon, planets and the stars are inside this hollow sphere earth. In can be advanced information and make any arguments against ideas.
A descendant of the great scientist Johannes Kepler has so far come across no evidence to counter his theory. The earth is not a solid ball, but hollow and we live on the inside of this sphere.

Earth view, according to Hildegard von Bingen
Do you think this possible?
This lecture gives the opportunity to ask questions and may order his new world view.
For if this were the case, make a lot of myths and legends of the ancient world suddenly has a different meaning when speaking of the underworld, Tartarus, or Schamballah. ? Or even Tolkien's Middle-earth :-)

Other topics of the lecture will be:
  • Brief overview of "free energy "
  • rainmaking with Cloud Buster of Wilhelm Reich in Africa
grandiose themes and certainly a productive evening.

Speaker: Rolf Keppler
When: 11:03:11, 19:00 clock
Where: Restaurant Boulanger, Outbuildings
Admission free, donations welcome


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