Friday, September 17, 2010

Hair Loss/anstelogist

Breast ...

The oasis of every man, woman breast. Loved, and sought to put it to get to the point, stared without end. So I thought
it logically, but certainly would be something interesting times to write about this subject.

What do I do first, before I even start with the letter? Exactly research. Long live Google, in that sense.
But no matter what I typed Wortkomibantionen, It always led me to at least one hit per side, which dealt not with the female breast. But with the man's chest.

too good, I thought. After all, a very very tiresome subject for men. Because even on my own blog I've been busy with men annoying problems. For example, there is the problem of hair loss ( read HERE). So why not just write something about the men and their suffering.

male breasts, by some affectionately called Igelschnäuzchen occur more often than you think.
Well, most guys are not full but then a failure in Styling techniques, because at least they seem to be able to hide it well.
Some, however, they are obvious, the little hillocks, which, under the looming ugly T-shirt.

are reasons for this are many and no love women, throw your men are not always right in front of poor nutrition. Sometimes, these hills have also hormonal reasons. Some have already occurs in puberty and often after an illness. However, this can be treated well and should soon wear off.

Mostly, however, and now düfren the women like to again snap at their husbands, the men are to blame for their 'breasts'.
alcohol abuse for example, is a common trigger. Alcohol damages the liver is well known, lowers the testosterone level and has an increased value of female hormones as a result. Also anabolic evoke the same.
And then we would of course cause the quintessential overweight.

love affected men and women of course, related, not despair, for there are of course help.
First of all, there should be man finally get his butt up and exercise. Swimming, archery, pushups, rowing and back exercises strengthen all the chest muscles and definitely show its effect.
course one must not forget that you should clear themselves but also in the case of alcohol and anabolic possible, otherwise not all of sports brings to 100% of the desired effect.
alone abstaining from alcohol can cause the little mustache disappear as quickly as they appeared.

And if everything does not help, then of course there is the possibility of Operartion. Of these, however, should have the price of 1800 - € 2900 scare, which is of course not covered by health insurance. The health side effects of breast reduction (tissue removal and liposuction) are not to be despised. So should this really only in extreme emergencies should be considered.

As a little additional information at the end:
beer is said to be partly responsible for men's breasts. For the used hops contains substances that are similar to the female sex hormones.
In the sense would be a waiver of beer probably very wise, in my opinion, but absolutely inconceivable.

And to finally have come back to the really targeted on women's breast: So why do women who are dissatisfied with their breast size, it is not just more beer. This would mean more of these substances and may cause to have some breast growth.
Who knows. But then perhaps this a second time more.

Desserts I Can Make A Few Days Before

As a woman you have to be flexible ...

At least when it comes to pleasing men. A survey has revealed that men appreciate not only sexual qualities in a woman, no order to catch, and we must have some other things on it. can play football, we should and Snowboarding:
Since we have the sports group.
order to impress the men - so why not parachuting, paragliding or bungee jumping?
We women are still flexible, so a bit of height does not matter to us, we like to see death in the eye so that it drives their adrenaline up. Soon we will hang on a vine and blow him a head-on in the jungle. What ideas do
please for men? Then there was

fraction number 2, the homemade cakes do a knitted scarf and little surprises.
The Group of the mother's boy. Because we live so much with the cliché "woman behind the stove." Not that it would matter what knit us in principle, but? I would like. But the idea of an old woman knitting in rocking chair that makes me shiver somehow. Suddenly I would feel old.

Then we still have the "Give me my freedom and trust me" department. Sure we can trust you, But you but please do not be mad when we make now and then send in your guys' night out a text message to us that you have not killed her, gambled the house or land in the wrong bed are.
We usually just make us care only about your well-being, because in her drunken state is well known, the most stupid ideas. So remember Just remember that you would make you just worry because it can always happen something stupid, unexpected. Then we still have

the "Play me your favorite songs and I'll tell you who you are." Section. That's just a matter of taste, it's like: your favorite color is green and my red that does not fit easily.
Sure you can connect a music taste and the way the music can be so hard to make certain generally release, but to define a relationship of music, can not just close to profundity. You have not yet heard the same music to sing the song of the heart can be.

And finally, because what was called, was superficial enough, there is the "dress-up-sexy" Group.
For years we read in the "Bravo" beginning that you do not want to be very aufbrezeln and then comes then such a comment that woman on a date yet to dress sexy.
My world is collapsing. This should not be running around like a scarecrow, I understand, but when I think of what some men understand the "sexy", I'd like to give them just a porno, and ask themselves but to see these ladies, wear the clothes, where the holes are so large that they show more than hide.
should scare the men but then is not it?

summary, this means that the perfect woman lets one go through all that is like his mother, still looks to super sexy, profound listening music and is a sports junkie.
so flexible we have to be so.
you, but a baking!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What Does Baby Hymen Look Like

"It's just a friend"

Yes, it is. Since one can ask all the people around it. And if I myself look at. It's definitely just a friend, a laugh, one can talk with you about a few things. The one in the arm increases when things are not going so well.
A real buddy-type. But suddenly

. Has a girlfriend. Schatzi here Scbatzi there - there is no other issue more. And we of course used to be years of being single. You could call him to no matter what time of day, you could meet, rumalbern, a bit of bollocks whenever you felt like it, for He always had time.

Then you find yourself suddenly on the bench, you need only the cinema, the Café or partying.
He has simply no place in his Life.
Frustrating? And how!

because I would like to give some advice how to solve the compromise.
Did I did not. I'm disappointed. The
you can not just freely make no corners to be seen, at least from time to time.
You could shoot in the square. Quite austere but then we are not. We know that it does him good - his relationship, in most cases. The bad conscience answers.
"egomaniac", it yells in my face.
Is so, just because I am alone and have enough time, but I can not ask my friend. So this friend. Finally, he is not even mine, I can not order, do not kick and rumstampfen our feet on the floor.
For I am an adult and reasonable. I should be at least. But it still annoys me, I can not help it.

I want my place back, you want the back what is taking together that we laugh together and shows that there are people who see themselves, which are mutually important. Without this right to be in love.
that friendships between men and women can really be. And relationships are important, but you also do not forget his other caregivers.
are you just as you or was it ever so?
You feel a bit like a doll which is brought out when it suits.
When she was new, you could not get enough of her. After a while she has had its day and is put in the closet in favor of a new one.
Can only hope that he has had enough of it at some point or need more variety again.
It would be a shame if something so important would be lost.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Midland Alan 42 Multi Mods

I have not got any prejudice!

I've heard many times before. Really? Can we really say with a clear conscience that we approach completely open mind to a new thing / person.
That might work, yes, at least half-way, as long as you have never really heard from the other person, no negative expectations, perhaps a slightly positive view.
It is always easier to get a good picture of someone when you get reported previously by others about positive experiences of the person / thing.

But what if people look at a sudden angle, because they know you from somewhere and somehow think they know everything about you. Or at least enough good to be folded up to put in a drawer.
Unfair? Definitely.
What can you do about it? Nothing.

All that remains is to you, such unpleasant encounters do not attach too much importance.
Because there are people who simply do not know you not deserve a role in your thoughts to play.
For what does this have over people if they do not even bother to make their own assessment to be made.
are the worst people who say, "I will not because I've heard this and that." agree and then another: "It's so childish prejudices have to."

you realize the paradox here?
This is called a totally unbiased. I can think of because so few things. Above all, the people can sometimes really be the very last.
Or simply have no life.
The other alternative that has to do most with it is I have noticed are envy and jealousy.
Failure to Treat can assume such dimensions is simply appalling. Resentment caused by rumors and gossip through prejudice and already we find ourselves in most vicious cycle.
Because prejudice is really contagious. I should let my patented as an illness.
Maybe you can pick up the at least as a psychological illness and finally invent a cure for them.

because prejudice can make life really hell. And somewhere, so can each Ignoranzgrenze a hole in the fence.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can A Transgender Man Self Lubricate?

But with me it is still much worse!

I right now is in Mecklenburg and complaint-mood am, here the same time the next topic that excites me enormously. And with exciting
I do not mean that I just wrinkled his forehead. No, I could really freak when people like these.
"What does to people because they" certainly many are now wondering, "I have something to read?".
Do not worry about forgetting anything, the information follows the same. But to describe what kind of people we are talking, I get take a deep breath before I can get started. In a quiet
can head it is easier to write, or at least less irritable and aggressive.

we climb the best one with everyday examples. Situations that all will be folding back.
It tells of the back pain that one has, most recently, as it is stooping a nerve got stuck in the back.
Man not expected - or even if only slightly - pity and does not want to do is also important. It will only be a simple conversation, where we now sometimes speaks to us about the well-being.
But then develops into no traditional entertainment, but you get to hear the following comment: "Oh, who do you say that I also know, I constantly lately"

leave I now first uncommented stand, and we continue with Example Two:
You sit at home drinking coffee and telling his girlfriend with a view to smear the window that no matter what you try out right now, always this terrible strips after washing windows would remain.
What is expected now? Great Tips?
been wrong!
"I know, only me's still looks a lot worse."

we come to the last example - are all good things eventually three.
It is completely finished from the university (or from school or work) and impinges on the way home a girlfriend. Them as quickly as possible in a friendly way to get rid of, says to her that now would be an inopportune time to chat to, as it was really done completely after all the hours and still lots to do tasks had.
But instead of a sympathetic "See you then Days "or" I'll call you at the weekend then to "get to hear something like:
" Yeah, that's just me. This morning I did this and that [activities variable applications] made, then this and then I go there now and now and later at home I have to ... "blah blah blah
, a good five minutes later they had finally released again the mouth closed.

noticed what exactly entzürnt my mind? go What kind of people I belonging to the eggs?
Exactly! These pesky sort of "For-me-is-all-bad" person.
Dreadful !

What should I bring personally when I talk about something and submitted to get that my suffering compared to everything under it than I do?
me to feel this better?
it feels good when you hear that a not so bad off as others? Can we then delight in the misery of others?
it calms the pain? It reduces stress?
Or I can do it this way, solutions to my problems be found?
Well,'s would be nice.
brings nothing like me.

comments like these are ill-conceived, nasty and extremely selfish.
The party is in derogation of a conversation with themselves in the spotlight, most likely due to sympathy from.
also mean statements like this one: 'Do not act like that! Be glad you're so well off! "
Yes, great. Should we then be ever happy about any pain? Could be worse, or what?
That makes the current state of mind is not really better.

Kurzgesgat: There is no one any favors if you Instead of advice or sympathy rather puts himself into the picture. Perhaps even better listen and be there for each other, as only big play the Benachteiligeten.

That is to say not that you can seek inclusions are not his views and experience. Quite the opposite, because this could turn out to be quite helpful. But please not always with a tone like "Oh, stop complaining just for you. For me, anyway things are much worse."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

High Hct And Hgb In Canines

"But is love that 'not yet!"

A kit for wimps.
At least with the subject of sex. I have found while browsing blog an interesting article about sex in an airplane.
There you can examine how the instructive sex in the airplane can be made possible.
course in a humorous way.

I remember that I once promised to someone having sex on the flight from Berlin to Helsinki. Unfortunately, I have flown only once with the airline and the said person was not at the time with it.
But when I was there, I had to really think about how the Whole would be possible at all. I mean, if you stand up together and goes to the toilet, but that falls immediately.
And for those of you who have never flown, I will briefly explain the locality. We take
a cabin, so as not very wide and 1 m long, and normal. (About 2m)
If you have not yet claustrophobic now, then, imagine the bad Beleut that throws a lot of shadows and let the thing be 50cmx50cm.
must feel the budgies in a cage.

Well, sometimes ignoring the fact that the toilet is just incredibly tiny that they themselves can barely move but how it is even possible that a couple can stay there?

I just can not imagine that it is pleasant to have sex in a place where you are so severely in his movements.
The toilet stinks of chemical transmitters, which are often contaminated with germs and wash basin spread the toilet paper-like shreds of previous users to the floor.

charms, there'd already won. Simply because it deviates from the standards. And somehow you there yet so scenes in my head that still sparkle in his mind.
And for all those who've always wanted to do, it is here the manual.

Have fun!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Im Always Getting A Cold




Sunday, September 5, 2010