A kit for wimps.
At least with the subject of sex. I have found while browsing blog an interesting article about sex in an airplane.
There you can examine how the instructive sex in the airplane can be made possible.
course in a humorous way.
I remember that I once promised to someone having sex on the flight from Berlin to Helsinki. Unfortunately, I have flown only once with the airline and the said person was not at the time with it.
But when I was there, I had to really think about how the Whole would be possible at all. I mean, if you stand up together and goes to the toilet, but that falls immediately.
And for those of you who have never flown, I will briefly explain the locality. We take
a cabin, so as not very wide and 1 m long, and normal. (About 2m)
If you have not yet claustrophobic now, then, imagine the bad Beleut that throws a lot of shadows and let the thing be 50cmx50cm.
must feel the budgies in a cage.
Well, sometimes ignoring the fact that the toilet is just incredibly tiny that they themselves can barely move but how it is even possible that a couple can stay there?
I just can not imagine that it is pleasant to have sex in a place where you are so severely in his movements.
The toilet stinks of chemical transmitters, which are often contaminated with germs and wash basin spread the toilet paper-like shreds of previous users to the floor.
charms, there'd already won. Simply because it deviates from the standards. And somehow you there yet so scenes in my head that still sparkle in his mind.
And for all those who've always wanted to do, it is here the manual.
Have fun!
At least with the subject of sex. I have found while browsing blog an interesting article about sex in an airplane.
There you can examine how the instructive sex in the airplane can be made possible.
course in a humorous way.
I remember that I once promised to someone having sex on the flight from Berlin to Helsinki. Unfortunately, I have flown only once with the airline and the said person was not at the time with it.
But when I was there, I had to really think about how the Whole would be possible at all. I mean, if you stand up together and goes to the toilet, but that falls immediately.
And for those of you who have never flown, I will briefly explain the locality. We take
a cabin, so as not very wide and 1 m long, and normal. (About 2m)
If you have not yet claustrophobic now, then, imagine the bad Beleut that throws a lot of shadows and let the thing be 50cmx50cm.
must feel the budgies in a cage.
Well, sometimes ignoring the fact that the toilet is just incredibly tiny that they themselves can barely move but how it is even possible that a couple can stay there?
I just can not imagine that it is pleasant to have sex in a place where you are so severely in his movements.
The toilet stinks of chemical transmitters, which are often contaminated with germs and wash basin spread the toilet paper-like shreds of previous users to the floor.
charms, there'd already won. Simply because it deviates from the standards. And somehow you there yet so scenes in my head that still sparkle in his mind.
And for all those who've always wanted to do, it is here the manual.
Have fun!
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