Monday, October 18, 2010

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It goes uphill again ...

After I had indeed the last season because of a cycle accident in May to cancel as much as I Radln and since then neither run nor could it go slowly uphill. It was confirmed fortunately no damage in the knee meniscus, here was or only the medial ligament and cartilage bisl battered, but something that should set in the near future, according to doctor's again. In the hip in the second Kernspint a tendon tear and inflammation of the bursa detected, but the doctor with some anti-inflammatory injections as good as under control ....
All in all I am looking forward again mad on it, sometimes running shoes to tie up to me slowly to get into shape. Of course it will take very long to form after a 6-month abstinence build, but I am firmly convinced that I will succeed!


Monday, October 11, 2010

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Lecture: New common diseases


Vortragvon John Holey

new common diseases!
Wiralle undSchlafstörungen sit in a giant microwave oven
and depression were already zuVolkskrankheiten
. What next?

at containing the lecture

undwerden Unsichtbareelektrische, magnetic and electromagnetic force fields penetrating our homes, workplaces and recreation areas imperceptibly absorbed by our bodies and taken-unusual and unrecognized, negative repercussions' in our Alltagmit.
electrosensitive others have so far been only slightly smiled. Sieeinfach moving on as if they were backward, although, vorbildlich'etwas signal, which will soon also be felt by more and more of unsMitmenschen. Doctors, who know about it, and the drawer of sindrar, diseases of civilization 'is increasing.
DasZwiespältige here is the simultaneous voluntary and Involuntary the worldwide mobile communications and many other Illness wieSchnurlostelefone, wireless, navigation systems and their ilk. With denüberall-present stress fields, it is demPassivrauchen already like, but before the E-Smog our bedrooms, we are not even secure.
Bis2016, the federal government billions of expensive new LTE Lizensenvergeben generated by the mobile Internet 'are already quadrupled 300.000Handymasten around us. Satellite Internet is also burden us everywhere then. When all is unseremKörper too much?

Lecture topics include: The secret of our body's energy field The harmful overkill WLAN makes us all sick The artificial wave salad adds up cancer by spring mattresses Worldwide HAARP systems and ELF waves As the babies ultrasound torments Electrostatic fields in which we live Harmful E-boxes as a counter The charges  in our bedrooms depression and sleep out of hand and much more.

important are of course the knowledge that can protect us from undhelfen - mechanical, energetic and mentally - and there is such protection. The mother earth also helps us by diezunehmenden Schumann frequencies and I point to ways we can help others and damituns to live gesundim Chaos!

ina time to fall in the masks and lies get more and more legs is thriving, while an unprecedented potential for new levels of support and a powerful conscious awareness. Benefit from using the new knowledge that I offer you in detail.
TreffenSie clear decisions! Come to your force and become immune to Illness. The benefits to your health and your family, your well being and IhrJungbleiben will emerge visible.

This talk is part of the new book titled
's enough now! 2
red cards for blatant disease and
Food swindler

DASIM December 2010, published

Speaker: John Holey
When: 04/15/2011 19:00 clock
WHERE: Boulanger, Outbuildings
College Street 2, 72070 Tübingen

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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The name for life! The company

We all have one and he will be with us forever - the name.
has hardly 'woman' the baby in her arms, as there're off. The baby is no longer baby hears it from the day on his very specific name assigned to it.
Never again he will be going on, accompanying a step to turn. Everywhere in life we must apply it. You get presented him a document to fill out forms or name cards can tinker.
No matter what, when or how, it is defined by him.
As a small child can be heard within a short time on these familiar sounds. Even if one knows nothing else around you, you already know is that you meant by that word. Later
seems to be the name of important. For a self, for the development and for the image, which is taught by himself.

A name says a lot about you. You can choose whether to his own name, where as it is, with an abbreviation or a similar name.
nicknames are common. Mostly it is derived from the actual name, a short form, a modified form, or perhaps even a foreign version.

But what parents are already thinking about how what name is abbreviated.
How should they after all, chew all types, but never one knows what their peers will benefit from for ideas.
These days it is lucky for information on the web. There are plenty of websites where you can name including information and read about experiences that have made the people with this name. Reactions to this, and possible abbreviations are also listed there. (Would recommend to this page → )
So it is nevertheless possible to prepare for the consequences, which brings with it the name selection. One can only imagine roughly what is ahead for the offspring.

But before you can get information about things such as short form and meaning, one needs first of all an idea of how the child is to say for now.
However, where they come from ideas?
is still today the son named after his grandfather or father? A rarity, at least in Germany.
Many mothers and fathers draw the media. So often to see what musicians, actors or TV and movie characters, they had succumbed.
although I must honestly say that in some cases quite strange is his child to name it.
Well, to each his own. As long as the children do not have to suffer under names like Frodo or Legolas.

It should also be people that connect their choice of children's names with their hobbies. For instance, a Dutchman named his children after his favorite car. His twins are now called 'Rolls' and 'Royce'.
The poor, they are punished for life. (More about "One should not call kids" )

But if you can not be inspired by idols, what then?
that is geared in books, magazines and the Internet? After all, there is this number of guide, some with suggestions for names to be flooded. (For example, at : name finder )
Some studied one by one sense, yet a specific place of origin or history for a name. Some
determined once the number of syllables and pay close attention to the latest rhythm.
Then there are the criteria that are based on pronunciation ability, stress, and similar obstacles.
Thus, sound as a German from a Finnish name very concrete way, or it may even be next to impossible to express that because of certain letters.

on so much it is to be respected, as many points must be met.
If you make it there still to be found by looking up something? There must then be researched really been neat.
I would really even be very interested in how many people have chosen the name of children by working through lists. And above all, the system by which they have approached the thing.
However, I have many things may already have the experience that if you specifically looking for something, you will not find it.

So how can you handle it yet?
I think it would be a pretty good idea if it just tries a little attention. It would be But as handy if you eyes and ears open and in the name, respects the meeting a day in and day out is definitely everywhere. It is certainly one or the other great-sounding here. This is then recorded easy and it is collected. Maybe it's so soon 'click' and there is even the right below.
think I also should have be more than just one option available. Because what if the child is ultimately in the arms and holds you think that selected names gan now and does not fit. In the case you should have a Plan B unbedint have available.
Perhaps even Plan C or even D - only for emergencies.

So you should still be at best a list make and in the months of preparation accumulate quite a few possibilities.
nciht It's as if one had not time. Four to five months should be enough already to find something suitable.
And perhaps you even now, with in mind.
other day I read together by a 13-year-old who has already picked the name of their child (and hopefully it may not come so soon), with her boyfriend.

Whether sooner or later, there are so many beautiful names in the world since it is surely something can be found.
Who knows, maybe the real enlightenment comes only when you look at the sweet face of the newborn.

Friday, October 8, 2010

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Lecture Series: secret societies today I

Lectorium Rosicrucianum

foundations of the doctrine of the Rosicrucians
secret societies, a nebulous concept of this day and age requires a new definition. What are the secrets of these societies? If these secrets at all confidential?
What once fell under the definition of Frevlerei, Ketzterei, witchcraft and madness, and ended all too often not at stake, or falls on the cross, now under the often misunderstood concept of the esoteric (the doctrine of the Interior) and often includes Gnostic features.
The knowledge that man is a spiritual being in first place and can control at will in the manifestation of this spirit and with it his reality, has long been the great secret. The way in which the rituals and ceremonies in order to be aware of such capabilities have undergone all the diversity of human ideas and practices, and frequently higher dimensional Beings are called, are today still the same as the beginning of mankind. The question of God and the gods that give the people power in certain circumstances were, and are the same then as now!
It was also once a secret doctrine that the earth was round, or how and where to religious buildings, built with its far-reaching influence on mankind, for universal and sacred practices. What are the Freemasons called with their guilds.
All the companies, circles and secretive use their knowledge to themselves, and Adepts chosen by the access to this knowledge to create mostly while abandoning the ego, an advantage (whether mentally, spiritually, or profane in the matter). Knowledge is power! If such knowledge would be required to attend school if hermetic laws as a standard and these were the foundations of thought and action, it would be a structure of a sacred society, and the Awakening of a homo spirituensis the beginning of a nine-eon.

So I invite you on Tuesday, 10/19/2010 to 20:00 to talk "the immortal principle in man". Here one can feel such an organization on the tooth.
It includes topics such as:
  • The energy of Aquarius
  • man, earth, universe
  • The man, an eternity incarnate beings
  • On the way to mind-soul
  • The divine alchemy
  • The spiritual work of the Rosicrucians
When: 19:10:10 , 20: 00 clock
Where: Hotel hospice, seminar room
Neckarrhalde 2
Admission: free

Monday, October 4, 2010

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thirsted for attention.

The title of my article would definitely have to point to what I now want to miss again.
Having been in a previous post ("My life is the lives of others") on the topic in general came to speak, I will now fully concentrate on the attention to poverty-stricken society.

It is, and there will agree with me probably almost all, a perfectly natural thing that a man hungry for attention.
From birth, you will be. First there are mom and dad, then the other kids in kindergarten. You look from people familiar to them from the very own way and expect the same in return.
This is not about trust and friendship, it's about being seen and heard. These
Perhaps this is an older child in the group of days which one has chosen as a model or to Papa, who is the great idol. People admire that person. Not in the sense of Vergötterns or worship, but a little we would already like to be like them. In any case do you want to make it right.

What you are doing so now in this situation?
A child that wants to please his parents, will probably draw a picture to practice a dance or simply to help even the mother with the dishes. A loving or well-meaning gesture, which has an impact. For the Reward is recognition and the desired attention.
In kindergarten and in the school years, then it will not go differently. Other children to tell you is the most interesting things that have happened to one or things that you yourself have done, where the other stops the mouth open, they knock on the shoulder and say that one is cool.

It is who, it is significant.
That is what on the whole.
attention is called to be perceived.

And of course, change the ways and means by which you want to achieve this result, in the course of growing up. An adult man is his work colleagues or his wife to paint a picture or tell of an exciting excursion in the amusement park. He has to resort to other means to get the desired recognition. Services are one of the most important criteria in the world of no-longer-children. Anyone who does much who does good condition and stand out from the crowd, who is respected by others.
Something special must have in itself, somewhat unusual. One should stand out and show character.
If you have mastered this, it's easy to draw attention to themselves. You get the confirmation, which we hoped, and feel an inner satisfaction.
A feeling that you need apparently to survive. But

what if you can not be distinguished from the others? If one is lost in the crowd, one of many, and absolutely nothing works to get out to do?
The attention of the people, which one has chosen to remain in, or is, more significantly worse directed at others. Others, who are apparently not even have to work hard to achieve this, the simple seem only to exist and is of the elect person only so showered with attention and affection resulting, in whatever form they may be.

What should we do now? How does you do?
How would you can now so much desired attention draw on yourself?

True, there is a way that many, so just go to an infinite number of people in such a situation.
One way of lying wrong, nasty and extremely easy.
For, if one is not able to shine by itself, then you have to bring others to extinction.

And that is precisely in this day and age, the age of the Internet, communication platforms, a children's game. You have to make it just kind of finding out what drives the competition so and then you try to criticize it to make it look bad.
Zack, you have yourself a little more settled. Only by the other pushes down. But

has only one of all the people who so act, ever thought about what he's doing there? If one understands not even that action is totally wrong, it just points out the weakness in general?
attempt by such means to Position Yourself in the right light, is evidence of a bad character.
And bad characters will never, no never really get the recognition in their lives, for which they long that way.

In that sense, finally, a tip for those who have realized after reading that they may be guided sometimes by such a bad character trait,
honesty, sincerity, and be true to themselves, which are the magic weapons on the search for attention and recognition.
Do not try to be someone who is not. Try to not want to impress someone important, he likes to do. It can only backfire.
silk itself and points out what you can do well what you like them to you and others will like it too.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

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If you're in a really needed time ...

you know so days when you simply want to get drunk senseless. I have just one day. I'd like to be as level 12 liters of beer and liquor inside tip into me. I've found a tutorial, but unfortunately only for the festivals, here specifically is "the shooting". Here

I think that they are very useful is, at least if you have a Riesenportmonee full of money.
And it would have to have full run I really feel like me. But once again, nobody is in the same mood. And I need sex. Is also in short supply these days. Just no time. Either
University, disease or exhaustion. You can always find a reason.

And therefore I need just one for drinking. Simply because I will feel better. It is again just this little red Indians blame.
It would be nice if we could abolish it. These mood swings are better than the last.
And I am not usually predisposed to depression. If a tip for alternatives has, please contact me. And no drugs. I know enough deterrent people in my area.
And no sermons. I know that this really does not help, nor healthy. But sometimes you just the way days and today is one of them.
In the sense of "Cheers", folks.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Persian evening

invitation to the Persian evening

On Sunday, 31.10.10 there is a Persian evening.
After a slide presentation over Iran with its cultural attractions is followed by a musical context (live performance! ), can then finish off the evening in a relaxed atmosphere.
especially for the trip interested Iran offers a good opportunity to exchange this evening to ask and to give the final impetus.

When: 31.10.10 at 17:00 clock
Where: Edith Stein Residence
Gössstr. 55
Admission: free , donations welcome

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theistic Study Group

God and the gods

On 22:10:10 we let the theistic Study Group revived.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend. We will look at this time primarily with the book "God and the gods", discuss, share and relate to the current challenges.
It would be an advantage with the first to address chapter of the book, so we can start at a common stand
The meeting will be held jointly with the esoteric friends Neckar-Alb

When:.. 22:10:10 at 18:00 clock
Where: H * A * U * P * T station Tübingen
Europe place 19
72072 Tübingen

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talk: Iran-a unknown land

switching to winter time and new place! Event

We gain an hour of sleep and can apply to as rested entirely on speech.
The clock is one hour.

mains Centre
cottage Strasse 44, 70190 Stuttgart-Mitte (near the Planetarium, Hotel Le Meridien and ADAC)
take bus 42 from Central Station 3 stops accessible.

Sunday Spiritual Breakfast ;

The esoteric-Stuttgart invite friends; a
slide show in Stuttgart on 31.10.10 at 10:30 Clock.

From the magic carpet, to the mystery of the domed building you will be swept away on a trip in 1001.

Referee: Rasmin Banedj-Schafii

costs : No, everyone has free choice, whether large breakfast or just a coffee.


We gain an hour of sleep and can apply to as rested entirely on speech.

The clock is one hour.

mains Centre

cottage Strasse 44, 70190 Stuttgart-Mitte (near the Planetarium, Hotel Le Meridien and ADAC)
take bus 42 from Central Station 3 stops accessible.