Lectorium Rosicrucianum
What once fell under the definition of Frevlerei, Ketzterei, witchcraft and madness, and ended all too often not at stake, or falls on the cross, now under the often misunderstood concept of the esoteric (the doctrine of the Interior) and often includes Gnostic features.
The knowledge that man is a spiritual being in first place and can control at will in the manifestation of this spirit and with it his reality, has long been the great secret. The way in which the rituals and ceremonies in order to be aware of such capabilities have undergone all the diversity of human ideas and practices, and frequently higher dimensional Beings are called, are today still the same as the beginning of mankind. The question of God and the gods that give the people power in certain circumstances were, and are the same then as now!
It was also once a secret doctrine that the earth was round, or how and where to religious buildings, built with its far-reaching influence on mankind, for universal and sacred practices. What are the Freemasons called with their guilds.
All the companies, circles and secretive use their knowledge to themselves, and Adepts chosen by the access to this knowledge to create mostly while abandoning the ego, an advantage (whether mentally, spiritually, or profane in the matter). Knowledge is power! If such knowledge would be required to attend school if hermetic laws as a standard and these were the foundations of thought and action, it would be a structure of a sacred society, and the Awakening of a homo spirituensis the beginning of a nine-eon.
So I invite you on Tuesday, 10/19/2010 to 20:00 to talk "the immortal principle in man". Here one can feel such an organization on the tooth.
It includes topics such as:
- The energy of Aquarius
- man, earth, universe
- The man, an eternity incarnate beings
- On the way to mind-soul
- The divine alchemy
- The spiritual work of the Rosicrucians
Where: Hotel hospice, seminar room
Neckarrhalde 2
Admission: free
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