Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yeast Infection Blisters


1-28 tattoos

06.03.2008. was the first "Ohana" - engraved tattoo, whose prohibitioniert Exhibition is


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Average 32 Year Old Male Bmi


THE GOOD NIGHT TOP 10 " beneficial factor for a successful night's sleep, the following factors: first
Sleep routine build

The most important factor for adequate sleep is a good routine. Get used to it, if so authorized by the modern rush to go to bed every day at a certain time. The Earth has its rhythm and who are we that we ignore this fact?
second Sleep rituals maintain
Who does not like to return to the bedtime stories of their parents or grandparents? Then as now, are a real bedtime Motivation to go to sleep. A good story should not be too exciting and to be read as personal. An alternative is for stories on CD or cassette. Come out of fashion is the lullaby. Many people do not dare to sing, something their fellow man, but a lullaby can be an effective part of the evening routine. Other examples of sleeping rituals are common
praying, listening to soothing music or fancy trips. In the evening walk let the day's events, conscious breath and clean teeth afterwards. A proven Ritul that I can only recommend. third Loving, protected atmosphere create
studies have shown that people in happy relationships schlafen.Die better atmosphere in the family, the WG and as a single Is it more positive and open. Dispute before going to bed is an absolute sleep-killer. Just before bedtime should therefore no critical issues are discussed more or consumed.
4th Lots of exercise a day exercise is tired, exercise makes very tired. A rule of thumb, the expert Dr. Kroschke reads: "daytime movement, shut down early in the morning and just before bedtime relaxation." Regular exercise should ohnenhin be an integral part of life. 5th No television or computer games before bed
Permanent irrigation by the modern media is the cause of many sleep disorders. Just in time before going to bed, many people sit in front of computer games or chatting and surfing the Internet - activities that stimulate the brain and cause irritation to calm place. A Finnish study
pointed also to a relationship between high television consumption and massive sleep. Also the phone should be turned off at night, because nothing is more important than that it could not wait until morning. In principle, All electronic devices are separated even from the outlet, since they also cause electro-off. 6th Fears seriously "But there are monsters in the closet!" "Nonsense, you will not only fall asleep!" Children have different fears than adolescents and adults. Our real "problem-Monster" let's not often come to rest when we lie in bed long ago. But now we can really change anything?
The past is over and done, unchangeable;
forge the future we can, but we see early in the morning much clearer
to find the solutions again, and more to come. This should be the last thought of the day. 7th Not have a full stomach to bed
Neither hunger nor a full on belly promote sleep. Therefore, again, a corresponding regularity is necessary.
"Upper" are cola, energy drinks, guarana (chocolate), cocaine, Chrystal Speed, MDMA, meth, pep, Extacy, etc. The latter can consume nM NIE
and in times of real stress on natural performance enhancement, as Guarana hold.

one end only, and above all the will to sleep, to reason and the courage to self. You act negligently with your health you are at some point, only the homogeneous mass of diarrhea in the gut of the entire social system rather than the times to be something that needs to be well digested.
This route is currently possibly unpleasant, crumbling in the affluent world, but is a long-term benefit for humans and the environment.

What Train Do I Take To The Charles Playhouse



support? AND EVEN analgesia?

Perhaps you noticed the many notoriously sleep-deprived people of your environment. Why do we sleep less and what the consequences?

Quite simply this can be self-defeating trend counter, but to Your body needs sufficient serotonin (?): influenced

appetite and sleep, controlling the sex drive, body temperature and affects the mood. Enough serotonin in the body makes calm and balanced, however, extreme lack of serotonin leads to emotional sensitivity or even aggressive behavior. Only if enough serotonin is formed, followed by the individual stages of sleep each other harmoniously. The turbulent sequence of the individual stages of sleep means that you have a nervous sleep and your subconscious the daily experiences can not handle it adequately. The next day you feel and drowsiness, weak and unfocused.

Permanent deficiencies can carry many mental illnesses: depression, anxiety, stress, sleeping or eating disorders, as painful migraine - attacks.

tryptophan deficiency can disturb your sleep significantly

It can be in our blood to prove how good we can sleep. The more tryptophan during the day in the blood is present, the more serotonin can be formed and the better we sleep at night. But serotonin is crucial not only for this, how well we sleep, but also determines the correct sequence of sleep stages.

A great article on depression can be found here:





banana yield pure serotonin

The banana, although containing only 18 milligrams of tryptophan. This is lower than other foods contain. But it also gives you 7.7 grams of pure serotonin. If you eat the banana with some honey, the honey makes sure that all other amino acids transported by insulin in the muscles and are only serotonin and tryptophan to the brain. It will cost you are guaranteed a healthy sleep. In the following list
Food tryptophan content in mg/100g
Cashews (+ raisins) 450
peanuts (+ raisins) 170
Tuna (+ rocket) 170 chicken breast (+ spinach) 200 eggs (potatoes) 230
hazelnuts 270
almonds (+ dried figs) 300
Quark 320


Monday, November 23, 2009

Are You Allowed To Bring Epilator On The Plane

Dear Reader,
is unfortunately now the deepest fall and skating almost impossible. This season you have to use to prepare for the new season.
Registration for the 6th Rhine River Marathon has already taken place on 29.05.2010 and it's back on track. Until then, it is in the form of personnel and equipment to bring.
The Cross Trainer and working with weights is with me right now in first place.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Does Tingling Of The Nose Mean


I'm back from vacation.
The north of Germany is really good for skating, if you let the steady head wind (direction of travel) and the changeable weather conditions not considered during our time. Super bike paths and dike roads invite you to an almost endless skating. Unfortunately
was a problem during the fourth exit, which was solved on the spot not so tired for more training sessions could not.
These are now once again take place at home.
This year I probably will at no more big event join me and keep fit by training runs, so as to lay the foundations for the next year.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wife Breastfeeding Byhusband


skin The skin is the largest organ of the people and has many tasks to perform. It provides protection against environmental influences and includes the sense of touch, pain, heat and cold sensation. The skin can even express emotions. Through their direct contact with the outside world, the skin is exposed to many harmful effects. Skin diseases are on the rise. They are often not only unpleasant and often do not look very nice, they can also have far-reaching consequences on body and mind.


Why do we have skin? The skin is a waterproof, elastic sleeve, which separates the body from the environment and keeps dangerous pathogens. It is very complex, although at no point the body is thicker than 6 mm, and perform touch, heat, cold and pain, so we remember what is going on around us. It also protects against the harmful UV rays of the sun and contribute to the formation of vitamin D due to light and for the regulation of body temperature.
of how many layers of the skin?
The skin surface is the largest organ of the human body and has two major layers: the epidermis (epidermis) and below the thicker dermis (dermis). In the leather skin are nerves, sense organs, blood vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. A layer of fat under the dermis contributes to the thermal insulation and serves to store energy.

arises where new skin?
The skin is in constant renewal. New skin forms on the underside of the skin, where skin cells continually divide. The newly formed cells push the older to the top surface. By the time they arrived there are pass, three to four weeks, then the cells are dead and flattened. The dead cells are shed from the surface and constantly replaced by new skin cells that grow from below, from the so-called seed layer. Why is skin so tough?
An elastic substance called keratin makes the skin hard and impermeable cells, making them a good layer of protection against pathogens form. The new skin cells are filled on their way to the surface more and more with keratin. Elastic the skin is elastic protein fibers in the dermis. It is particularly resistant to hands and feet. What is the purpose
the sebaceous glands in the skin?
The sebum, the sebaceous glands produce in the skin, covered skin and hair and keeps it supple. Also kill it contains substances that pathogens.

If the skin is really waterproof?
Yes, this makes the sebum on the skin surface. However, if you stay too long in the bath, this waterproof layer is washed away. Then water seeps in the epidermis, so that it forms wrinkles. After drying, raises the normal state again.
Why does the skin to be waterproof? The skin is waterproof, so that the underlying tissue is protected and thus not escape the fluids from the body.

provides, as the skin for cooling?
If one is hot, you sweat more, and the evaporating sweat provides cooling. At the same time the small blood vessels expand in the dermis, so more warm blood reaches the surface and can release heat into the air.
keeps us warm, as the skin?
If you freeze to narrow the Blood vessels in the dermis, so that less heat reaches the body surface. Also depend on the whole body to fine hair, so that a warm layer of air held on the body.

What is melanin?
Melanin is a dark brown dye (pigment) in the skin. It is formed by the Melanocvten, special pigment cells at the base of the epidermis. Melanin protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Why do the people of different skin colors?
The skin color depends on how much melanin, the epidermis contains. People of color have more melanin. For whites, it is less Quantity available, and small blood vessels under the skin surface are giving it their pink color. People with yellow skin have carotene, another pigment in larger amounts. What is sweat? sweat contains water, salts and small amounts of waste substances from the body. On a very hot day, the body can excrete up to ten liters of sweat, then it is about 30 grams of dissolved salt. By drinking the water loss is compensated. sweat is produced in glands in the dermis and through tiny openings, the pores to the outside. Particularly large number of sweat glands are among the poor, in the groin and on the palms, soles and face.
What is a bruise? A bruise or bruise occurs when tiny blood vessels break in the skin. The cause is usually a strong impact, shock or a fall, a dislocation, sprain or a fracture. Because the skin is stronger than the underlying tissue, the blood vessels become damaged, without the skin is injured themselves. The blood seeps from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue and stained it dark. Often bruising painful and swollen. Cold applications bring relief.

Why does a bruise the color?
A bruise is first bluish, then it is blue green and yellow, and finally disappear. The color change occurs because the blood is broken down and eliminated from the tissue. The blood pigment hemoglobin is initially in oxygen and therefore bluish. In the course of several days or weeks it is decomposed in green and yellow dyes and finally completely absorbed by the body or absorbed. As the skin heals ? skin wounds heal by itself if it has been cut and bleeding, for example, formed soon after a wound closure, which prevents further blood loss. It dries to a crust and prevents pathogens in can penetrate the wound. Under the crust up in the meantime, new skin cells around the wound. If the wound is healed, the scab falls off eventually.
gets Why skin wrinkles?
you get older, the skin is positioned less tightly to the body. In young people it is elastic and, after a stretch back to its original shape. From about the age of thirty, the skin becomes drier, thinner and less elastic. In old age wrinkles and wrinkles.
How thick is the skin? The thickness of the skin depends on how elastic they must be against whatever pressures they must protect. On the eyelids, the skin is only 0.5 millimeters thick and in most other parts of the body is two millimeters, on the palms and the soles of three to six millimeters. What is goose bumps? The so-called goose bumps is a reaction of the body to cold. If it is cold, be directed at the body hair to hold a warm air layer on the skin. The tiny muscles that are responsible for pulling together, and there are small skin elevations, the goose bumps.
As the skin tan?
produced at high solar irradiation, the more melanin to protect skin against harmful ultraviolet radiation. The melanin is distributed in the form of tiny black granules in the epidermis. This makes the skin darker, and sun tanning results. In the sun, people of all colors darker.

How much skin does a human being?
Could you spread the skin of an eight-year-old child, they would cover an area of 1.5 square meters and weigh about three kilograms. In adults, there are an average of two square meters and about four kilograms.

Why do we have fingernails?
The fingernails are a firm support for the skin, if we hold or touch something. They also provide special activities such as the loosening knots. The fingernails match the paws and claws of mammals, birds and reptiles.

What are its nails?
nails are made of dead cells that contain keratin, the same protein that is also found in the epidermis. The nails formed in the nail bed, which lies horizontally under the skin. The growing nail slides over the nail to the fingertip. He looks mostly pink because the blood vessels underneath shine through. Nail changes may be caused by nail disorders, but also point to pathological processes in the organism.

Grow fast the nails?
nails grow about 0.1 millimeter a day, or about three millimeters per month. Fingernails grow generally faster than toenails. Since they are made from dead material and do not contain nerve endings, they can be cut painlessly.

How are Pimples?
Many young people get pimples on the skin, which is on the increase in oil production. The sebum that keeps the skin elastic, is produced during puberty in larger amounts. Sometimes he plugs the glands, which then often become infected, and it caused pimples.

Are there people with identical fingerprints?
No. The fingerprints are different even in identical twins. They emerge through tiny ridges on the fingertips and also change after an injury.

What is an albino?
An albino is a person whose skin has no melanin. Therefore, the hair is white, the skin is light or pink, and the eyes are red. Albinos are very sensitive to light, because the skin is not without melanin may protect against the sun.

What happens at the blush?
blush is a nervous reaction that leads to the enlargement of the tiny skin blood vessels. As a result more blood flows through the skin, and it turns red.

What are freckles?
Freckles are small skin patches that contain much more melanin. They are found mostly on face and arms and are not dangerous.

Dry Skin: Causes

(as of 14 August 2009)
Dry skin

arises from a variety of reasons. Both the personal disposition and the aging process play a role. The cause of dry skin is too little fat of the sebaceous glands in the skin and a disturbed moisture regulation. Also a failure and malnutrition or alcohol consumption

can lead to dry skin.
strain also external factors such as strong sunlight and dry air from heating the skin and dry it out. Often, too often excessive showering or bathing is behind it. Who
drugs like

the pill takes
can also get dry skin.
increases with age, the probability of getting dry skin. Three mechanisms favoring this:

takes the sebum naturally from old age.

The upper skin (epidermis) can contain as much moisture. The sweat glands are less


Too frequent washing, improper skin care or hygiene contribute to the age at particularly dry skin. Body parts that are supplied with blood and poor have little sebaceous glands are particularly susceptible to dry skin. For example, the lower leg.
in the straight
the winter months
many people have a dry skin. The cold air outside and the low Luffeuchtigkeit in combination with hot air heating set to the skin.
These factors can affect the skin is dry:

Genetic predisposition



heating air

air conditioning


air temperature

soaps and shower gels

washing lotions





Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Net Framework,pinnacle, Tv Center Pro, Windows 7

runners, sponsors, and result

prof. dr. Michaela, brigitteB, ulrikeB, juttaB, carl-ernstB, juergenhenningC, rolfD, marcD, erikaD, rudiD, Peter de, antjeE, Sebastian, dr. bettinaF, maikF, margareteF, ewaldG, ThomasG, helgaG, gerdaP, peterg, NadjaG, susanneG, fam.G, ralphG, margretG, sylviaH, dagmarH, mechthildH, petraH, MonikaH, christaH, haraldH, ChristinaH, Sandrah, anjaH, Dennish, christophH, sandraJ, ankeK, Janke, axelK, fam.K, karinK, wernerK, marinaK, reinerK, udoK, thorstenK, fam.K, tinkaK, markusK, andreasK, fam.K, lars-torbenL,
Ergebnisse 2009: 1500 € uro
winfriedL, fam.L, martinaL, isabellL, familienreferat des hessischen ministeriums fuer Arbeit, Familie und Gesundheit, renateM, soenkeM, borisM, jennyM, barbaraM Werner fam.N, alexN, corinnaN, weak, dietlindeN, nilsO, Roberto, dr. margretP, uweP, fam.P, lutzP, Andrearan, juergenR, jan-perR, susanneR, katjaS, winfriedS, reginaS, renateS, stefanS, Susanne, S, claudiaS Peters fred-Marios, sabineS, Norbert, karinT, norbertU, petraV, fam.W., herthaW, marikaW, mechthildW, burkhardW, miriamW, sebastianW, dr. eberhardW, michaelW, ralfW, rainerw, odinW, Martinaz

Friday, July 10, 2009

How To Transfer Vhs C To Dvd Mac

Hello dear readers, will be announced soon
the result 2009th Today was the official collector circuit, but it still lacks a few transfers / deposits.
106 sponsors who supported the project this year.
learn in the next few days you more.
Stay tuned and come here again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mega Booty On Cartoon

Anyone who wants to look at the track in the film, it can do here .

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Official Translation Driver License France

Here you can read the official opinion of the organizer to the RC-Middle Rhine-Marathon 2009th

Monday, June 8, 2009

Super Trophy For Sale

sponsors fee 2009

The sponsorship fee for 2009 amounts to at least

€ 3.18 uro .

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can I Get Waiver For Eczema In The Army

20095th Rhine River Marathonund gleichzeitig5. Sponsored Run for Zwergnase

2009 was initially to be dashed.

Due to a back problem I had to prepare for the 5th Rhine River Marathon, held on the 06.06.09 set in April and there was no chance this year to continue the action for Zwergnase .

But salvation was approaching and my friend and skating partner Wolfgang (also registered participant) told me that he is running for my action as a substitute for me.

This also found the potential sponsors and well received so far I 81 confirmations for the sponsorship.

day of the marathon (6 June 2009) there was again a bad situation. This year the weather was not with (2005 - 2008 we have always had great weather) and so had to Wolfgang sheep cold and wet track the route from Oberwesel to Koblenz (42,195 km) to meet its 8 wheels.
here just before the start:

The situation at the start at 17:15 clock shows the graphics, which I investigate in could. The red circle shows the situation in the starting area:

The professionals of course went with "rain tires", but again they could not even reach the goal and provide the one-hour limit.

wet, exhausted, but without falling Wolfgang Koblenz reached in a very - for the weather conditions - from the time acceptable

1:54,42 hours

and became

578 in the Appreciation and

230 40th in the age group

I congratulate Wolfgang and thank you in advance for the result and in particular to the availability, which made it possible for the action "in-line charity run for Dwarf Nose" in 2009, in the truest sense of the word- not fell into the water.

Periods Stopped White Discharge

Hi, since today I

belong also to the "bloggers" and I want my initiative for the Friends of Zwerg Nase eV Wiesbaden get close to anyone interested.

I will give a brief overview of the history, then describe the year 2009 and go immediately into the preparation 2010th For all potential sponsors of this blog is intended to serve as an information platform.

Since 2005, the 1st Middle Rhine-marathon run, I the Rhine River Marathon inline marathon running as sponsors for dwarf nose
Each prospective sponsor will pay me at least a cent per second that I remain in the results under two hours.
after collection, the proceeds will be paid directly to the association Zwerg Nase eV Wiesbaden and this is then immediately available.

This has led from 2005 to 2008 the following results:

  • 2005: 1:38,05 hours - 1.000 € uro for dwarf Nose
  • 2006: 1:29,09 hours - 1.900 € uro for Zwergnase
  • 2007: 1:30,34 hours - 1.900 € uro for Zwergnase
  • 2008: 1:32,43 hours - 2,500 € uro for Zwergnase

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Shoulder Impingement Surgery How Long To Recover?



heal heal tattoo is a special cream, essential free of preservatives, wool waxes, paraffin waxes, fragrances and oils.

  • But it contains care and wound healing-promoting substances, such as
  • -
  • shea butter (skin moisture, regulates anti-inflammatory),
  • - Evening primrose oil
  • (positive influence on wound healing),
  • - calendula (anti-inflammatory / wound healing),
- Urea (relieves itching) and

allantoin (promotes wound healing).

The cream is comfortable to use, breathable and does not leave an unpleasant, greasy film. It is also suitable for sensitive skin and extremely productive.

The cream was developed in cooperation with
Jubian *
-care products. Urea and allantoin are non-animal origin.
stands for Julia Biedermann is a company
engaged in the manufacture and distribution
natural cosmetics, employs the raw materials without
from the petroleum refining and without questionable preservatives be prepared.


Mirfulan is used to treat non-infected skin damage. The ointment contains a combination of active ingredients zinc oxide and cod liver oil, also aids bisabolol, Hamamelisrinde and urea. Cod liver oil calms the itching, supports the formation of the damaged skin and softens crusts and scales. Zinc oxide closes the wound surface and protects the wound and reduces the secretion of wound fluid. Bisabolol has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory Properties Hamamelisrinde also acts anti-inflammatory and urea satisfies the itch. The Mirfulan wound-healing ointment and supported the regeneration process and protects and nourishes the skin.
How does the ingredient?
Zinkhistidinat is a supplier of the mineral zinc. The daily supply of pure zinc should be 10 mg.
Zinc is an essential trace element for humans, animals and plants. Zinc is needed everywhere in the body for the function of more than 100 different mediators - it is essential for many basic growth and metabolic processes. Particularly important it is for the smell and taste perception as well as the growth of hair and nails. It is involved in the immune defense of the body and in wound healing.
is the case of zinc deficiency to dysgeusia, anorexia, impaired growth of hair and nails, scaly or inflamed skin, increased susceptibility to infection and delayed healing. Zinc deficiency formed, in part due to malnutrition, or interference of the recording in the gastrointestinal area, on the other hand, by increased zinc consumption. is an increased need for zinc in the metabolic disease, diabetes, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, after major surgery or serious wounds and diseases of the prostate.