Sunday, July 27, 2008

Aztec Warriors How They Train

build a fortune - Work - Building from the problem to challenge

familiar? You wake up in the morning, feel comfortable and relaxed, intensely powerful. Then you think about it and what's coming up today everything you think of the work - and suddenly you fall leaden Mü velocity. Your body feels so bruised, as if you had a marathon running behind and They would prefer to sleep on the point further. These are the moments in which you want to be rich and never work again to have. But did you know that most rich people are real work horses? It drives them out of bed early in the morning, they toil late into the night - and still have the feeling that the day is not enough, to do all that what do they want yet.

And you still have never asked why so many people between the complaining every day about their work, nothing to fear as much as the unemployment? Why do many Rent-ner, the look for years to retirement, wahnsin after a few days of doing nothing will almost-nig and look around desperately for a job?

work for many people is something they hate from the bottom of my heart, but you can not under any circumstances. And if you think you could escape with a fortune of working, then deceive-it's located. Even if you get rich and retire from your job - either for yourself then they look for a new job quickly Are you sure you or your fellow men-span for their own goals.

work is not the same money

Why is that? And there is a possibility that ill-fated drive for the disease-causing work to develop flee? The explanation is very simple. Imagine once a work is no longer a necessary evil, but as a sum of several factors before:

work = task money + + + recognition security + (complete This formula to their own scores which are important to you in your work.)

Most important are safe, "on-task + money," the first two points, which is difficult to say which is impor-tant . Who's finances are not under control, will surely give the money the top priority - after all, the salary for most people the most important f & # 252; r many probably also the only source of income. (If you really want to build up a property, you must be absolutely separated from the idea that it stays that way!)

But hardly a person can live without the idea that there is a task in his life. A baker knows that many people looking forward to his morning bread-en, a doctor knows how much his patients from him-ha nts. Even a factory worker who considers himself a small wheel in a big gear, knows that the transmission is not without it turning right. And no matter how hard the work may sometimes also fall - there are always reasons to be proud of what they have achieved.

So, if you solely want to build a fortune to get away from work, then you should make it clear that the assets can be replaced only by a factor of "money" - but also with Verm & # 246; gene, you need a job. (Not for nothing are devoted to so many wealthy people volunteer for: The action is considered high, the work never goes out - and no one has the idea of a benevolent man dedicated to such trivial things like a to ask for a helping hand with the move.)

If you decide to take early retirement then divorced, then you should You look around in good time for a replacement task. Without it you will not be ready to make sacrifices for the development of the property, without appealing job you lack the courage to make decisions, strength and endurance, the development of the assets are missing, despite occasional consistently pursue further setbacks. If you just want to get out of work, you get - at some point despite looming financial free-ness - fear of emptiness at some point in your life. The threat of loss of professional recognition and to the lack of security in the circle of colleagues are reason enough for many people, the emerging Wealth from unconsciously Zulehner - they prefer to continue to dream of wealth, wol-tion but do nothing to undermine the familiar life circumstances .

What does this mean for your desire to build a fortune elevators to escape the unpopular work? First, you should ask yourself why you really have no inclination to work.

I have no desire to work because: Think up 5 reasons and record it.

You Go the content of the work on the mind, you prevent problems with a supervisor or the work-out cooperation to make a lifelong dream come true? Write down but once in writing, which you - like about your work - despite all the problems.

I like my job because: 5 reasons to withdraw re

Because if you do it to real-life professional, you should get a compensation for all the positive factors of hotels.

Rich people are not working so frantically, because you want to become even richer. (Who once to to Multimil-Liona or even brought to a billionaire, has has more money available than he can ever spend in his life.) Rich people work as a challenge to they want to make new every day - and the only one, but this major difference to a normal employees is that they are their tasks themselves su-chen and not being forced to do something other & # 173; re they want. An asset you can

not help to escape from the work itself - but it gives you the opportunity to work no more than a necessary evil experience must-sen, but devote themselves to an activity that is considered to be a challenge. When you have accepted and even feel the desire in themselves to achieve this freedom, then you are ready to take the trouble to which the structure an-nes Verm & # 246; assets entails.

Schulden besiegen,garantiert und effektiv!


wealth is not a means to escape the work - because most rich people are real workhorses.

work = task money + + + recognition security +

The fear of the loss of familiar life circumstances so many people from starting to become rich.

Technorati Tags: earn money, get rich , build assets


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