Sunday, July 6, 2008

Military Immunization Record

After kidney donation

perplexity still reigns in Germany, should be how to deal with the topic of living donation

(...) The documentation band " ethics of live organ donation ", a symposium volume on an event of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz in September 2004, shows that, the handling of live organ donation still something temporary. But to learn from experience, have these are collected and analyzed, and does not always happen with the required classification.

example, follow-up of living donors and a register in which the results of follow-up care are covered. This could be a source to discuss data-based future potential donors. But even after-care and registration are incomplete. Individual centers such as the University Hospitals in Frankfurt am Main and Munich attempt must own comprehensive data gathering.

were so of 112 kidney donors at the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main 91 percent satisfied with their decision, 97 percent would do it again. Seven per cent felt under great pressure to donate, however, and two thirds gave a "certain internal pressure" on.

The book "Ethics of Living Organ Donation by Christian Rittner and Norbert Paul, a publication the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature, was published in Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2005 (ISBN 3-7965-2141, € 47.50)

Review a donor 4 months after surgery:

"I feel like I am slowly gaining back more energy.
I have been a little fatigued since surgery but it seems to lessen each month . I hadn't really noticed that I was tired because I am always on the run, but I have noticed that I need less sleep and can live without my afternoon nap. I think I overlooked the fatigue because I actually enjoy sleeping! Especially when it is dreary outside and I think we had a week of straight rainy, chilly weather. I find that perfect for napping! All of my vitals are excellent so the fatigue is just a consequence of the trauma incurred from major surgery.

I am still happy that I donated and when asked if I would do it all over again, the answer is still yes. It amazes me each time someone finds out that I donated and they are just in awe that anyone would do something so selfless. It wasn't entirely selfless. I can not imagine my life without Greg, he is the closest person in my life. I just could not bear the thought of him enduring dialysis for the rest of his life when I could do something to help. To me, the decision was easy to make. So for those of you who think I am some kind of saint, not really. I have my moments just like everybody else. "


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